Know more.
In case you want to learn more about my work, I have put together some files and links for you. Have fun browsing.
Positive Business: Die Positive Psychologie beeinflusst die Wirtschaft zunehmend. Zum Glück, ZHAW Competence Magazine
Bereit für die zweite Halbzeit? Über radikale Veränderungen in der Lebensmitte, FAS
Online ​
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Positive Psychologie (DGPP) Online, Dr. Kerstin Humberg
Enorm Magazin, Social Business
Was macht eigentlich Kerstin Humberg?, ZEIT Stiftung Alumni
"Woran glaubst Du? Sonntagsfrühstück mit Humberg & Prantl" podcast series (2021)
Future Family Podcast with Ana Hoffmeister: Besser leben und arbeiten mit Positiver Psychologie (2022)
Hy Podcast #61: Was macht Menschen in Firmen glücklich und stark? (2020)
"Positiv Führen" podcast #36: Positive Leadership und Nachhaltigkeit (2021)
Freiraum für Führungskräfte​ #34: Glück & Arbeit, wie geht das? (2021)
Jackpot #2: "Der Glückskompass"(2021)
Poverty reduction through social business? Lessons learnt from Grameen joint ventures in Bangladesh
Drahtseilakt Leben, Junge Forscher zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirklichkeit
Boarding School Education for Tribal Girls in Development Projects: Lessons Learnt from a Geographic Field Study in India
SWR 1 Leute: Kerstin Humberg vermittelt positive Lebensvisionen
YSBC Web Lecture Series, Lecture#8: Social Business: Make Happiness Work (Lecture with Dr. Kerstin Humberg)
ZHAW Pioneers n'Legends Insights: The Spirit of Entrepreneurial Leadership, Interview with Dr. Kerstin Humberg
EBS Business School VIP Curriculum "The Power of Encounter, Learning for Life from Very Inspirational Personalities" (MBA course with Dr. Kerstin Humberg and Prof. Andreas Heinecke)

Research papers
Enhancing the contribution of social business to sustainable development, OECD Development Report 2014
Social Business and Poverty Alleviation: Lessons from Grameen Danone and Grameen Veolia, Springer 2014
Social business as a new route towards poverty reduction: experiences from Grameen joint ventures in rural Bangladesh, Journal of Social Business 2011